Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Marsha L. Ceniceros

Marsha L. Ceniceros

As much as everyone complains about the internet, I must say that I am very grateful for some of the people I've met on the internet one of those wonderful people are Ms. Marsha L. Cenceros world renown American author born  in Indianapolis, Indiana and grew up in Southern California. A fiction and non-fiction writer of sci-fi, fantasy, poetry, and the series of God Answered Me- A biography of true accounts of child abuse. She insists 2018 will be filled with new scripts that will be striking.
Her other achievements include incredible masterpiece, Sadana 999, a science fiction, fantasy, in the purest form, action, and adventure. Awards include a five-star rating from Readersfavorite.com for both Perçu and Sadana 999 in 2016 and 2018 presented Precedence: Bondage is Part of The Game, five stars.

She is honest, kind and has been through what most of us couldn't even imagine. How she has grown and survived is a nothing short of a miracle. Please tune in and listen to our interview on February 25 2018. All of her material is available through Amazon. 
 Other ways to get in touch with Ms. Marsha


https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/precedence (  One of her links to purchase her book )

Twitter @mlceniceros




  1. A wonderful talented author, the best ❤️

  2. What a wonderful article written on a fantastic author. What makes Marsha ceniceros such a talent writter is her ablility to speak to any and all eager readers from all spectrums of generes. From poetry to sci-fi, fiction and non fiction she writes from the heart and never disappoints. Her sci-fi novel Sadanna 999 captures you and makes you feel as though your reading a movie. Her poetry speaks to your heart and her latest bio-series absolutely grips me to my soul. I’m also and child abuse survivor and it’s very impowering as a woman to read and know that even after years of turmoil and neglect you can still come out alive and vibrant. Can’t wait to see what else she has in store for her readers!

    1. Thank you so very much Azrael Livesay you've captured the true essence of Marsha.


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